Tenth Hammersmith Multidisciplinary Endocrine Symposium
Friday 11th December 2015 MAP
Wolfson Education Centre, Hammersmith Hospital
Abstracts online LAPPS/AMEND parallel
8.30am Registration and Coffee
8.50am Welcome and Introduction: Mr. Fausto Palazzo, Prof Karim Meeran and Prof. Waljit Dhillo:
Session 1: Incidental Endocrine Pathology (chair Prof Waljit Dhillo)
9.00am The Pituitary Incidentaloma
Prof Karim Meeran (Imperial College)
9.30am The Thyroid Incidentaloma
Mr David Scott-Coombes (Cardiff)
10.00am ‘Adrenal Incidentaloma – management and challenges’.
Prof John Newell-Price (Sheffield)
10.30am Clinical Cases
(OC1) (V018) A gradually progressive case of 'Pituitary incidentaloma' - Rathke's cleft cyst
10.40am (OC2) (V020) A large incidental adrenal mass – does size matter?
11.00am Coffee Break
Session 2: Endocrine Cancer: Thyroid
11.30am Controversies in Thyroid Cancer Guidelines?
Prof Graham Williams (Imperial College)
International Guest Lecturer
12.00pm Optimising surgery for papillary thyroid cancer: Preventing recurrence
Prof Antonio Sitges-Serra (Barcelona, Spain)
1.00pm Lunch & Poster session
Session 3: Endocrine Cancer: Neuroendocrine tumours (chair Prof Andreja Frilling)
2.00pm Surgical Strategies in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours
Mr Duncan Spalding (Imperial College NHS Trust)
2.30pm Chemotherapy and new agents for treating NETs
Dr Rohini Sharma
Session 4: Debate: Severe thyrotoxicosis in early pregnancy
Chair: Dr James Ahlquist
A 40 year-old patient has been trying to become pregnant for some years with IVF and at last presents delighted having just missed her period with a pregnancy. Her tremor and palpitations are due not just to her excitement but also because she has a FT4 of 40 pM.
3.00 pm (OC3) (V023) Graves’ thyrotoxicosis and pregnancy: a case of resistant thyrotoxicosis with Propylthiouracil treatment (Monika Reddy)
3.10pm (OC4) (V021) Treatment of thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy: Three cases exemplifying multi-specialty involvement
3.20pm The case for medical treatment for the whole pregnancy. Which drug (PTU or CBZ) and when?
Dr Mark Vanderpump
3.45pm This patient needs an urgent thyroidectomy : the case for surgery
Prof Stephen Robinson
4.15pm (OC5) (V009) Pregnant and hypercalcaemic, what next : An interactive clinical case. (Dr Amir Sam)
4.45pm Feedback and Close
4.45 Feedback and Close